Woaah, what is this?

Greetings people.

Yesterday just confirmed that I’m getting what I wish for. It’s really fun how the dots of the post moments connect to the now.

So when I’m not on the right “track” it’s probably still the right track, eventhough one is thinking it is not. But it’s maybe something you wish for yourself to happen to experience that experience. So things are getting funny right now, starting to roll down the hall.


Keep on breathing deep and improving yourself.

Your potential isn’t measurable don’t let it get distracted by unnecessary, but if you do it’s necessary haha, so be it. Don’t fit into any pattern given by any other than yourself and yourself is probably not that what you think it is, because most of the thoughts and idea are from other people, it’s kind of a fact that one is made of the environment they’re in, family, friends, society, but it’s up to oneself to decide. It’s not only up to oneself but also a responsibility to do so.

PS: Humans are so strange, haha. Some don’t know who they are, when nobody is showing them or giving them tools for the mind to find out.

See you around.




Bugging my mind

Greetings people.

I just felt like writing so here am I. Tried to sleep but couldn’t stop thinking just now so bringing stuff down here so it’s not bugging my mind anymore.

When one is none? But we got our current ego how can the one become one again and change to something?

Thru moving in the moment? But this moving is kinda hard. Think these downs have to happen, otherwise no movement and no change would happen.

But still it’s kinda annoying, especially because I get angry at myself when realizing things which I should have noticed before.
I mean what is this?

Just gonna live with it, I guess. hahaha

Well that’s it. Just some thoughts coming up, didn’t want to write everything.


Enjoy your time and breath deep guys.


Still in the moment

Greetings people.

I’m currently just letting life flow, accepting people, things coming in and going when they want. Not really clinging to anything, nor to myself or any other. Going with what emotion comes and observing it.

I hope you’re all doing fine.

I got involved in some interesting topics and people. I will also publish some artworks by the end of this week.

If I’m more into the new topics the I’ll have some posts for you.

I’m still on my medition and on my way doing the excercises. Will take a while I guess until a new part will be posted.

I also quit my job and preparing myself for a journey around. To find myself in the world haha.

Til the next post, cya around

Breath deep and enjoy yourself.



Walking past gains momentum

Walking the path I walked in the past.

The universe and all is one.

Funny to see how everything changes.

You could say the environment only changes because of you

And the you is only changing because of the environment.

Without the you, the self, the observing mind.

Nothing can be observed.

So you can observe nothing by not observing. Haha

This is all so paradox but logic in a sense.

It’s probably really like that.

That without the constant vibration of your body and energy.

You wouldn’t exist at all, but would exist everywhere.


Don’t know if you can grasp the thought, but I hope you do because I’m tired.


Breath deep. Namaste.



Moonshine, sitting on a tree

I feel the solid branch of the tree supporting my back.

Perfectly fit for me.

Laying in the tree crown.

While the moon shines in Libra.

Weighing thoughts out.

Thoughts created by attaching to the physical world.

Attach emotions to it.

Have not been really aware of it.

Not as I do now.

I’m different from yesterday.

What am I? Who wants to know, someone asked from behind.

Not found an answer yet.

I’m just me.

With memories and thoughts that grow dim.

Building the root.

For the now.

What will I be tomorrow?

Different from now..

What is this all?


Enjoy the morning, night and day, wherever you are..

Breath deep the air, hold the wish to live, to manifest.

Give it away exhaling long and slow so it can come back.

Once again.



Sea creature

Greetings people.

Just felt like drawing yesterday so I drew this with left-handed normaly I draw with right, but since the left side of the body activates the right brain and this stands for creativity. I’m going to draw only with left from now, hope you enjoy.


Breath deep.



Quote ‘4’

“Manliness consists not in bluff, bravado or loneliness. It consists in daring to do the right thing and facing consequences whether it is in matters social, political or other. It consists in deeds not words.”Mahatma Gandhi

Greetings people.

I think there is nothing more to say to this quote, it is easy and includes everything. Manliness is not about talking, it’s about taking action and full responsibility, for yourself, your family, and be of service for humanity.



Breath deep. Build some muscles. Haha



Purposeful will

Greetings people,

As promised here comes the third, I told that I would post a part every week but I took  a bit longer for this part of the programme. But glad I took my time experiencing it fully.

For me I came to realize it even more that our thoughts are cause of our experiences which are the effect. The individual being is acting on the universal. So thought is cause and experience effect, while action is the one connecting them both.

So therefore negative thought isn’t getting you anywhere, complaining about conditions as they have been or as they doesn’t matter it rests with you change them, what you would like them to be.

Direct your effort to your mental resources which are always at your command and from which all real and lasting power comes.

Just persist in this way and come to the realizing fact that there can be no failure in the accomplishment of any proper object in life. Understand that the mind-forces are ever ready to lend themselves to persistent and purposeful will, this is to crystallize thought and desire into actions, events and conditions.

It’s like with every movement you’re learning, if you take martial-arts for example. Doing a kick or a specific technique once won’t  do it at all. You must practice, a thousand times only to learn how to use it, then to master it another thousand times and so on and so on. But why is it like this? Imagine the movement like a conscious thought, you need to act upon this a thousand times just like the kick the so it becomes an automatic movement and passes into the realm of the subconscious mind the solar plexus. It is necessary for is handling all the things we need in our daily life so the conscious mind the brain is freed from these detail and advance to still other activities to learn grow more.

The solar plexus is the point where all energy is meeting, it’s life itself there is no limit to the amount of life and individual may generate from this solar centre, because it is connected with the universal.

When you understand and realize this, you have found a source of power within yourself with which you can take care of any situation in life which may develop.

So to start our next exercise, not only sit perfectly still in meditation and have an overview over your thoughts but also try starting to relax, let go of all the tension you have, this will remove the pressure on your nerves. It will enable the blood to circulate freely to and from the brain and body. Because tension leads to abnormal mental activity of the mind or mental unrest, it produces worry,care, fear and anxiety.

Pleasant thought expands it, unpleasant thought lets the solar plexus our muscle contract, that’s where tension is created.

Relax your body, the body is the mirror of our conscious and subconscious.

I think a good example to make it clearer is to look at why people like getting massaged or doing sport or any sort of physical practice everything can be like meditation, especially when their mind is not at rest, the body mirrors it. You can relax your mind not only through the mind itself but through the body you can relax your mind. Sometimes it can be easier done through body exercise when your mind won’t let you rest.

So hope you can follow my words. 🙂 If not you’re free to ask.

Breath deep, be grounded. Let your thoughts float. Relax your body.




The mind

Greetings people.

As you’ve probably mastered observing your thoughts and your mind.

Here some questions for you and the next step is following.

What are the two modes of mental activity?

Upon what do ease and perfection depend?

What is the value of the subconscious?

What are some of the functions of the conscious mind?

How has the distinction between the conscious and subconscious been expressed?

What method is necessary in order to impress the subconscious?

What will be the result?

What is the result of the operation of this law?

What names has been given to this law?

How is the law stated?

Meanwhile some things I notice for myself. The longer I mediate the more awake I become. It’s like giving and taking, a cycle between my mind, my body and probably my soul. Sitting itself is not exhausting but it’s also not not exhausting, but in that state of mindfulness, you see everything as it is and accept it. When you’re body is trembling you focus on another thought and the trembling is still there but the attention shifted. Or you’re fully in your mind just by taking your attention to your breathing.

There is so much more to this. When explaining this kind of stuff it’s hard like to describe a picture beauty to someone else. I would like to show you the picture but I’m only able to tell it by words and you’re probably can come close to what I want to show you or you’re not understanding it at all and it makes no sense to you. Especially when I’m not willing to explain it all to you, haha, but I think the less clearer the thing I say or want to show you. The more you’re thinking about it.

Peace. Breath deep. Namaste
